Future Planners believe in the importance of protecting your family, your lifestyle and your wealth through appropriate insurance. We ensure our clients do not have to rely on family, friends and government handouts if their lives do not go to plan.
We help assess what you need and how long you need it for and then help you obtain the right cover for you. When there is a claim, we help you manage the process.
Did you know that insurance purchased over the phone is not ‘underwritten’ until you make a claim? Do you even know what that means? It means that the insurer does not fully assess you until you make a claim. That’s why there are no forms to fill out when you buy your insurance cover and unless you read all the information provided, you don’t notice that pre existing conditions are not covered. By then it may be too late of course.
That’s why we help our clients get the underwriting out of the way upfront so you have the certainty of cover from there on.
Investment risk done right
Most people recognise that when they “invest” they take a risk, but many may not understand the risk/return relationship. That is, in general terms, the greater the potential for gain, the greater the risk. Nor do they understand the risk that inflation poses as it slowly eats away at the buying power of our savings.
The role of a good adviser is to help you understand what risk in investment means and how you are likely to respond to a negative market event through the use of a specific risk assessment programme. Future Planners aim to structure a portfolio that is in line with your attitude to risk and your expectations, with components designed to meet the range of your requirements.